Daily Routines

The daily OSHC and Vacation Care programs incorporate regular routines which are carried out by children on an individual basis and collaboratively. Routines are established to enhance children’s learning opportunities i.e., spontaneous learning and intentional teaching. We believe effective routines help children make sense of their time spent at OSHC and give them a sense of shared responsibility.


• Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care have set routines which are required to be carried out.

• The remainder routines are often initiated by children themselves e.g. monitors for serving food, washing up, tidying up, composting, self-timing on computers and other spontaneous ‘actions’ which then become a routine.

Before School Care:

7:00 am: Service opens.

7:00 am – 8:00 am: Breakfast is served

7:30 am – 8:25 am: Indoor activities

8:30 am : Pack up, Roll call, dismissal.

After School Care:

1. All children arrive (receptions are brought over by their teachers) put their bags on bag shelves outside of OSHC and come into the Hall and sit for roll call and group discussion.

2. Children follow hand wash routine and begin with afternoon Fruit Platter then a small snack prepared by the staff.

3. Children who have not arrived within a 10-15minute time span are followed up by:

     • A phone call to school admin office to ascertain if they are waiting in the office or if the child is absent from school.

     • A thorough search around the school yard and the school office building.

     • Phone calls to parent/emergency contact enquiring re confirmation of child’s attendance.

4. Regular group meetings (re specific OSHC issues) are conducted throughout the week. This presents opportunity for group discussions.

5. Group activities are organised i.e. children are informed of what activities each staff member will be doing that afternoon.

6. A copy of all activities are pinned on the ‘cupboard door in the OSHC room.

7. Each day enthusiastic children choose to be food monitors.

8. Sustainability monitors collect compost bucket at the end of afternoon tea and empty them into the OSHC compost bin.

9. Children wait for their group activity staff member at their designated spot i.e. Yard, Gym, Hall etc. Outdoor/programmed activities continue until 5/5.30pm

10. 5 – 5.30pm outdoor groups return to the OSHC room.

11. Children continue to participate in indoor activities until 5.00pm then assist with cleaning up.

12. Service officially closes at 6.00pm.

Arrival and Departure

For safety and security reasons ALL children must be signed in on arrival, and signed out on departure, via electronic sign in. No child will be allowed to leave our Service with a person who is not stated on their enrolment form, unless prior arrangements are made with the Director/Assistant Director.

Before School Care: Children may be dropped off after 7.00am each morning but must be signed in by a parent. They remain our responsibility until they are signed out. 8.30am

After School Care: Children come directly to ASC (OSHC Hall) upon dismissal and are signed in by staff at 3.00pm. They remain our responsibility until signed out by an approved adult.

Vacation Care: Children may be dropped off or pick up at any time during opening hours on incursion days. Children must be at the service before 9am on excursion days (unless otherwise stated) and picked up after 3 pm.